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Adrienne Santos-Longhurst
9 Reasons to Get Up Early
The benefits More time to exercise If working out is important to you, but you struggle to find the time, getting up early may work for...
James Roland
What Are the Risk Factors for Heart Failure?
Heart failure means the heart can no longer pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. Risk factors include lifestyle behaviors, like...
Rachel Murphy
Do You Need Medication If You Have High Blood Pressure but No Symptoms?
How do you approach a condition you may not know you have? That's the question doctors want to help the many Americans living with...
Carrie Myers, M.S.
Is Vitamin D Key to Reducing Blood Pressure? Here's What a New Study Says
When exposed to sunlight, your body manufactures vitamin D using a type of cholesterol. (Yes, even a certain amount of cholesterol is...
Gina Park, CNN
These vascular risks are strongly associated with severe stroke, researchers say
Many risk factors can lead to a stroke, but the magnitude of risk from some of these conditions or behaviors may have a stronger...
Carol DerSarkissian, MD
How to Care for Your Heart With Diabetes
Diabetes and Your Heart If you have type 2 diabetes , show your heart some extra love. High blood sugar damages your nerves and blood...
Ashley Marcin
Can I Eat Cheese If I Have High Cholesterol?
In general, if you have high cholesterol, you can still eat cheese in moderation. Keep reading to learn more about cholesterol, saturated...
Christa Sgobba
7 Subtle Signs You’re Having a Heart Attack
Symptoms become subtler with age. Here’s what you need to know to protect your ticker. In the movies, it looks so straightforward: The...
Paul Frysh
What High Blood Pressure Can Do to Your Body
Artery Damage Your arteries should be sturdy, springy, and smooth to move blood easily from your heart and lungs to your organs and other...
Korin Miller
How Often Should I Have My Cholesterol Checked?
The answer depends on your health history. Here’s what you need to know. Cholesterol gets a bad rap, but it’s essential to your health....
James Beckerman, MD, FACC
A Visual Guide to Heart Failure
What Is Heart Failure? The name doesn’t mean your heart stops. It just doesn’t work as well as it should. It happens when the heart can’t...
Stephanie Orford
How (and When) to Talk with Your Doctor About Acid Reflux and Heartburn
Heartburn may seem like no big deal, but experiencing it twice or more per week is a good reason to visit your doctor. Heartburn is a...
Sandee LaMotte, CNN
Common heart conditions raise the risk of dementia, experts say
Keeping your brain sharp as you age has a lot to do with your heart — and the younger you start taking better care of it, the better —...
Sandee LaMotte, CNN
Coffee may reduce risk of death from stroke and heart disease
Drinking up to three cups of coffee a day may protect your heart, a new study finds. Among people with no diagnosis of heart disease,...
Sherri Gordon
5 Health Benefits of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) benefits can include heart health improvements, diabetes management, or migraine reduction. CoQ10, known as...
Rebecca Corey
This heart condition is 3 times more common than we thought, researchers say
Atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat, is three times more common than previously thought, according to a new study published on...
K. Aleisha Fetters
How Crucial Is Cardio to Heart Health?
When it comes to strengthening your heart, lowering your blood pressure, and cutting your risk of heart disease, nothing beats a brisk...
Cathy Cassata
Drinking This Many Cups of Coffee Each Day Could Put Your Heart Health at Risk
There’s nothing like a dose of caffeine on a groggy morning to give you a much-needed boost of energy—but new research suggests drinking...
Kristeen Cherney
The Difference Between Heartburn and Indigestion
Heartburn and indigestion are common gastrointestinal (GI) problems that are often discussed interchangeably. While they may occasionally...
Hatty Willmoth
Men's Health: Common Conditions May Signal Hidden Heart Problems
Urinary symptoms are common but may be warning signs for more serious health conditions, Australian scientists said in a recent study....
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