12 Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery
Moles, Freckles, and Skin Tags
Is Coffee Bad for You?
A California art teacher died from rabies after an encounter with a bat in her classroom
Eat These 15 Foods to Speed Up Cold Recovery
Magnesium For Better Sleep and Relaxation
Why Do I Have Indigestion?
Is Decaf Coffee Actually Carcinogenic?
Doctors say it’s fine to pee in the shower
Wildfire smoke, poor air quality can have an impact on health — even for people who live far away
Teacher, 34, who revealed Stage 4 colon cancer on ‘Jeopardy!’ recalls his first symptoms
Slideshow: 10 Health Myths Debunked
Gum Disease and Alzheimer’s: How Bad Bacteria From Your Mouth Can Affect Your Brain (and How Nutrition Can Help)
Calcium and Vitamin D: Important for Bone Health
What Is the Best Temperature for Sleep?
Don’t sit on the toilet for more than 10 minutes, doctors warn
The One Bathroom Habit Infectious Disease Experts Are Begging You to Never, Ever Do
Symptoms of Immune System Problems
Five reasons you’re waking up tired with no energy
McDonald’s president ‘very confident’ customers can safely eat at restaurant amid E. coli outbreak