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Do Sunglasses Prevent Cataracts?

Simina Findlay

Sunglasses can slow the development of cataracts by protecting your eyes and the tender skin around your eyes from UV rays. Try to pick sunglasses that offer 100% UV or UV400 protection, which ensures you’re protected from both UVA and UVB rays.

UV rays can increase your risk of multiple conditions, aside from cataracts, including:

  • eye cancers

  • eye growths, such as pterygium

  • snow blindness

How to prevent cataracts?

Some tips to protect your eyes and help prevent cataracts include:

  • protecting your eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses and a hat with a brim to block the sun

  • protecting your eyes from injury during intensive activities or sports

  • wearing protective gear for your eyes

  • quitting smoking, if you smoke

  • eating foods that are good for your eyes, like leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains

Some additional tips include:

  • avoiding tanning beds

  • not looking directly at the sun, which can permanently damage the back of your eye

  • knowing that clouds don’t block UV light, and this could still affect you when it’s not sunny outside

Am I at a higher risk of developing cataracts?

Everyone’s risk of developing cataracts increases as they get older. According to the National Eye Institute, you might have a higher risk of developing cataracts faster if you:

  • have certain health conditions, such as diabetes

  • smoke

  • misuse of alcohol

  • have a family history of early cataract development

  • have spent a lot of time in the sun

  • take steroids, which are used to treat allergies or arthritis

  • have had any eye surgery or eye injury

  • have had radiation treatment on your upper body

If you want to know more about your individual risk of cataracts, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor. They can offer more tips and suggestions on how to prevent cataracts and decrease your risk of developing the condition.

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