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Adrian Volenik

If you want to keep feeling young as you get older, say goodbye to these 10 habits

I’m 41, and I won’t lie, I feel old AF when I wake up each morning. The fact that we’ll be closer to 2050 than to the year 2000 soon is also not helping.  

Plus, most of my favorite bands are 30, 40, or even 50+ years old, too. 

Still, I do my best to stay fit and have a healthy mind by exercising, learning new things almost daily, and playing with my four-year-old. 

There are also plenty of things I avoid most of the time. Which ones? Well, let’s find out.  

1) Overloading on stress

As you’re getting older, the responsibilities keep piling up. When you’re constantly bombarded with pressure from work, relationships, kids, or other things in life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and exhausted.

When you’re overloaded with stress, your body goes into overdrive. It releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. 

While these hormones are helpful in small doses, too much of them for too long can unleash mayhem on your mental and physical health.

Luckily, there are many healthy ways to manage stress. For me, the things that tip the scales the most are exercise, going to the beach with my wife and kid, and sitting down for a cup of coffee in a cafe.

So, if you want to keep feeling young as you get older, find ways to chill out instead of stressing 24/7.

2) Still drinking alcohol regularly

Drinking alcohol excessively isn’t great for keeping a young mind. While an occasional drink may not be a big deal, overdoing it can seriously mess with your brain. 

It affects your brain’s chemistry, messes with your judgment, and can lead to memory issues down the road.

It can also disrupt your sleep, making you feel groggy and sluggish the next day. 

So, while it’s fine to enjoy a drink now and then, going overboard with alcohol isn’t doing your brain any favors in the long run.

3) Not staying engaged and curious

I know people my age who have completely given up on life. They just work and sleep, basically. 

I mean, I can’t blame them. If you’re not going into nature, you have to spend money anywhere you go these days. And money is in short supply for many of us nowadays, too.

Still, staying curious about things is like fuel for your brain. It keeps your mind active, engaged, and eager to learn new things. 

Boost a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around you by exploring new hobbies, asking questions, and staying open to new experiences.

Your brain is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Challenge yourself to learn new skills, tackle puzzles and brain teasers, or take up activities that push you out of your comfort zone. Flexing your mental muscles keeps your brain sharp and agile.

4) Dwelling on the negative aspects of life

Some people wear rose-tinted glasses. On the other side, some only see the negative aspects of life. 

And here’s the thing: your attitude is like a lens through which you view the world. Devise a positive outlook on life by focusing on the good things in life as much as you can. 

Be grateful for what you have and find silver linings even in challenging situations. A glass-half-full mentality keeps your spirit youthful and resilient.

5) Being too serious 

When you’re too serious, you might miss out on opportunities for laughter, playfulness, and spontaneity because you’re too focused on being responsible and in control.

People also start seeing you as uptight or unapproachable, which can strain friendships and make it tough to form meaningful bonds.

To break free from the trap of being too serious, you need to embrace your playful side and find moments of fun in your day-to-day life. 

Whether it’s cracking a joke, indulging in a silly hobby, or simply allowing yourself to let loose and have fun, giving yourself permission to lighten up can help you feel more relaxed, connected, and alive.

Playfulness is like the fountain of youth for your mind. It keeps you light-hearted, creative, and full of joy. 

Don’t take life too seriously. Find opportunities to laugh, play, and let your inner child out to play. 

6) Skipping sleep and living on caffeine

Your brain and body need adequate rest to recharge and repair themselves overnight, right? Without it, you’re feeling groggy, unfocused, and prone to mood swings.

I used to stay awake much longer before. Going to sleep at one, two, or three o’clock was nothing unusual to me. 

And while burning the midnight oil might seem like a good idea, skimping on sleep is like running your phone without recharging it. And that’s when you reach for coffee and energy drinks just to survive the day. 

Living on caffeine is like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. Sure, it might give you a temporary boost of energy, but it’s not a sustainable solution. 

Relying on caffeine to keep you going can disrupt your sleep even further, creating a vicious cycle of exhaustion and dependency.

Your body and brain need downtime to rest and recharge, so aim for those Zzzs to keep yourself running smoothly. 

7) Neglecting skincare

Look, as a guy, I never really cared for creams and trying to look younger. But there was one thing I always used, and that’s sunscreen. 

Your face and your skin are big giveaways of your age. They’re also your body’s first line of defense against the outside world, so protect your skin from the sun to keep it healthy, glowing, and looking its best.

Slathering on SPF not only helps prevent sunburns and skin cancer, but it also keeps your skin looking youthful and radiant for years to come.

8) Isolating yourself

Humans are social creatures. We thrive on connection and community. So, when you withdraw from social interactions and spend most of your time alone, whether by choice or circumstance, you aren’t doing yourself any favors.

You start feeling disconnected from others, misunderstood, or like you don’t belong. This can result in depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

What’s more, isolating yourself can create a vicious cycle where loneliness begets more loneliness. 

The more you withdraw from others, the harder it becomes to reach out and connect, leading to further feelings of isolation and alienation.

So, don’t be afraid to reach out, make plans, and spend time with friends, family, and loved ones. 

9) Sitting around all day

When you’re glued to the couch or your desk chair for too long, your body goes into hibernation mode. 

Your body is built to move, not to sit still all the time looking at screens. 

Instead of being a couch potato, get up, stretch, take a walk, or do something that gets your blood flowing. 

Find activities you enjoy. Dance, hike, bike, or even just take the dog for a walk. Your body will thank you for it!

10) Eating junk food nonstop

Eating junk food nonstop means you’re fueling your body with empty calories and harmful ingredients instead of the nourishment it needs to thrive. 

Most of us rely on processed snacks, sugary treats, and greasy fast food as our main sources of sustenance instead of opting for nutritious, whole foods.

To break free from the cycle of junk food addiction, it’s important to prioritize whole, nutrient-rich foods in your diet. 

Fill your plate with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, and limit your intake of processed snacks and sugary treats.

You’ll almost instantly start feeling better and younger once you adopt healthier habits and make positive changes in your lifestyle.   


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