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Is It Really That Bad to Eat After 8 PM? Here’s What to Know

Sarah Garone

Is the “no eating after 8 PM” rule actually good for your health?

Even if you don’t practice a time-restricted diet like intermittent fasting, you may have imposed certain practices for your nighttime routine. The most common food cutoff time? 8 PM.

Variations of “no eating after 8 PM” have floated in our cultural consciousness for years. Eating too close to bedtime has been associated with acid reflux, disrupting digestion, and interfering with blood sugar (all of which could cause poor nighttime rest).

But is it really that big of a deal to eat after the eight o’clock hour?

Here’s what registered dietitians and gastroenterologists say about eating at night.

There Are Downsides of Eating After 8 PM

Though there’s not a lot of research regarding not eating specifically after 8 PM, there are established benefits to curbing nighttime eating in general.

“When individuals consume food during the nighttime, it tends to consist more often of processed foods high in carbohydrates and fats rather than carefully planned and balanced meals,” Janese S. Laster, MD, a physician board-certified in internal medicine, obesity medicine, gastroenterology, and nutrition, told Health.

She explained that the timing of eating can affect your digestion, absorption, and metabolism—ultimately impacting weight.

A 2022 study supports this: Researchers found that eating later in the day increased participants’ hunger, decreased the amount of calories they burned, and led to greater fat storage.

According to Laster, these effects may be unique to each person based on types of food, genetics, stress levels, and other factors.

Evening activity levels and even communal enjoyment of food could also play a significant role. If you’ve traveled to other cultures, for example, you may have noticed that in nations like Spain, where dinner is often served at 10 PM or later, obesity rates are lower than in the U.S.

Still, Laster noted that “it is generally accepted that eating earlier is associated with being weight stable.”

Beyond its effects on weight gain, eating at a later hour could also have drawbacks for digestion.

“Eating close to bedtime or before lying down significantly increases GERD or acid reflux, so for this reason I don’t recommend it,” gastroenterologist Caroline Soyka, DO, told Health.

If acid reflux tends to disrupt your sleep, it’s a good idea to stick to an eating cutoff hour on the earlier side.

“For individuals experiencing bloating or heartburn, it’s advisable to avoid eating within 90 minutes of bedtime to prevent the onset of gastrointestinal symptoms,” Laster said.

So, Is It Really That Bad to Eat After 8?

Life gets busy for all of us sometimes—so what if your schedule doesn’t allow for earlier eating?

Fortunately, eating after 8 PM probably isn’t a total dealbreaker for your health.

“While there’s evidence linking late-night eating to potential health concerns like poor digestion, weight gain, and other issues, it’s not necessarily true for everyone,” Julie Pace, RDN, a registered dietitian and founder of Core Nutrition Health and Wellness, told Health

According to a 2015 study, negative outcomes from nighttime eating may not be consistent when food choices are small, nutrient-dense, or low-calorie.

“A big distinction with snacking at night is if those snacks are healthy or not,” Bess Berger, RD, a registered dietitian and the owner of private practice Nutrition by Bess, explained to Health.

“If we eat leftover pizza, ice cream, or chips, regardless of the time of day, those aren’t healthful choices,” Berger explained. “Instead, if we choose fruit, vegetables, lean protein, or nuts, regardless of the time of day, those are healthy choices, providing great energy and nutrients for you.”

If your work or school schedule doesn’t give you time to eat until after 8 PM, that doesn’t mean you should skip meals, either.

“If one works or has classes late, having a cutoff time to eat might not work,” Berger said. “In addition, if one has a different schedule from day to day, having a cutoff time to eat might be complicated.”

If you live with diabetes or other blood sugar issues, it’s important to stick to a doctor’s recommendations for timing your meals and snacks. Going too long without eating could be dangerous.

How to Choose a Nightly Cutoff Time for Eating

Though 8 PM may be the ideal time for some people to say goodnight to food, it’s not a hard and fast rule for everyone.

If you’d like to choose a time to stop eating, Laster advised considering your family’s schedule, as well as any health issues you may want to address with food timing.

If possible, just try to give yourself some space between eating dinner and heading to bed.

“Because everyone’s schedules are different and ‘internal clocks’ can vary, I recommend a goal of finishing eating at least two to three hours before bedtime,” said Soyka.

This should allow you to stay satiated throughout the evening and not go to bed hungry—according to Laster, the average time for gastric emptying is about four hours.

Remember, too, that a nightly cutoff isn’t the only food-timing habit that can affect your well-being.

Pace explained that “consistent meal timing, avoiding large meals before bedtime, practicing mindful eating, maintaining balanced nutrition, staying hydrated, and listening to your body rather than watching the clock may be more impactful for your health.”

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