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What happens if someone holds their pee for too long?

Jon Johnson

The urinary bladder is a hollow, pear-shaped organ that forms part of the urinary system. The bladder’s role is to store urine until a person is ready to use the restroom.

The typical adult bladder can hold about one pint, or two cups, of liquid, though it can stretch to hold more than this. When the bladder fills about halfway, people will start to feel the urge to urinate.

In most adults, occasionally holding in pee will not cause problems, but people may experience some unwanted effects if it becomes a habit. It is not advisable to regularly put off going to the bathroom.

There are no hard rules for how and when it is safe to hold in pee. Some people may be more prone to side effects than others.

1. Pain

People who regularly ignore the urge to pee may feel pain or discomfort in the bladder or kidneys. When they finally reach the bathroom, urinating may also hurt.

The muscles may also stay partially clenched after the release of urine, which can lead to pelvic cramps.

2. Urinary tract infection

In some cases, holding in pee for too long can cause bacteria to multiply. This may lead to a urinary tract infection (UTI).

According to the Urology Care Foundation, people should avoid holding in pee for extended periods, as it can increase the risk of UTIs. Dehydration, inadequate personal hygiene, and certain medications may also increase the risk.

Symptoms of a UTI may include:

  • a burning or stinging feeling during urination

  • pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen

  • a constant urge to empty the bladder

  • strong- or foul-smelling urine

  • cloudy, off-colored urine

  • consistently dark urine

  • bloody urine

3. Bladder stretching

In the long term, regularly holding in pee may cause the bladder to stretch. This may make it difficult or impossible for the bladder to contract and release pee.

If someone has a stretched bladder, extra measures, such as a catheter, may be necessary.

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4. Damage to pelvic floor muscles

Frequently retaining urine may harm the pelvic floor muscles.

One of these muscles is the urethral sphincter, which keeps the urethra closed to prevent urine from leaking out. Damaging this muscle could lead to urinary incontinence.

Doing pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels, may help strengthen these muscles, repair muscle loss, and prevent leakage.

5. Kidney stones

Holding in pee may cause kidney stones to form in people with a history of the condition or in those who have a high mineral content in their urine. Pee often contains minerals such as uric acid and calcium oxalate.

How much urine can the bladder hold?

The capacity of the human bladder may vary slightly from person to person. However, a typical adult bladder can hold roughly one pint of liquid.

Children have smaller bladders because their bodies are still developing. People may be able to predict the size of a child’s bladder by using the following equation: (age + 2) x 30 ml.

For example, according to this formula, a 10-year-old child would have a bladder capacity of roughly 360 ml.

A healthy bladder may also be capable of stretching and accommodating larger volumes of urine. However, it is advisable for a person to urinate at regular intervals.

Will the bladder burst?

Some people may believe that the bladder will burst if they hold in their pee for too long.

While it is possible for a spontaneous urinary bladder rupture to occur, there is often an underlying cause of the rupture, such as a blockage preventing the bladder from voiding.

In most cases, the bladder will override the muscles holding the urine in, causing the person to have an accident. Trauma to the bladder is more likely to occur due to blows or piercing objects.

It is important to note that without treatment, a spontaneous urinary bladder rupture can lead to severe complications.

Effects from other conditions

Some preexisting medical conditions can lead to urinary retention. This is usually involuntary and it tends to go unnoticed, but it can cause similar complications.

Some things that may block the flow of urine or cause the body to retain it include:

  • enlarged prostate

  • tight or weak bladder muscles

  • nerve damage in the urinary system

  • neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis

  • certain medications

People with kidney disorders may also want to avoid holding in pee to prevent possible complications.

Training the body to pee less often

In some cases, doctors may recommend retraining the bladder to urinate less frequently. This involves resisting the urge to pee.

The goal is to increase the amount of fluid the bladder can hold before it triggers the urge to pee. If successful, this will extend the amount of time between trips to the bathroom.

A doctor will often develop a personalized retraining schedule for someone, and they will typically oversee the training.

The following tips may help a person ease into the retraining process:

  • listening to music or watching television as a distraction

  • actively engaging the brain with a game, puzzle, or problem to solve

  • reading a book or newspaper article

  • staying seated or walking around, whichever resolves the urge

  • sit with the upper body leaning forward to relieve pressure on the pelvis

  • making a telephone call or writing an email

The key is to engage the brain and direct attention away from the urge to urinate.

Tips for reaching the bathroom in time

Although it is best to pee whenever the bladder is full, a person may not have always immediate access to a bathroom.

The following tips can help someone make it to the toilet in time:

  • Cross the legs while standing: This may compress the urethra and help avoid an emergency.

  • Pass gas: A buildup of gas may put added pressure on the bladder.

  • Pee right after waking up: People rushing to leave the house may skip a trip to the bathroom, but it is important to start the day’s cycle of urination right.

  • Plan for regular bathroom breaks: A person may want to try scheduling a bathroom break every 3 to 4 hours. Set an alarm and head to the bathroom, whether or not the bladder is sending a signal. This can help relieve pressure and avoid emergencies.

  • Do not wait until it is an emergency: Regardless of deadlines or busy days, make a habit of heading to the bathroom the moment the urge to urinate hits.


Occasionally holding pee in will likely cause no harm. However, regularly doing so may increase the risk of infection or other complications.

It may help to have healthy and regular bathroom habits. Anyone who feels that they are urinating too much or too often should contact a doctor.

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